
My life is crazy busy, and male dominated with my husband and 3 sons to contend with!!  

I enjoy being a wife and mum, however, I knew early on that it was not all that I wanted to be. I am extremely determined, driven, and ambitious and have always felt I had more to offer.

I trained during and following each of my 3 pregnancies, and made my fitness ‘me’ time which has ultimately led to me pursuing a bodybuilding career and achieving my professional status in 2017.  

It's important to make time for your happiness

Kels crew fitness competition
Kellee Cameron bodybuilding Mexico

Low self confidence and self esteem held me back for years.  Exercise has allowed me to do something for me, de-stress, and grow to be content with who I am.

After becoming a mother, I noticed how many women felt they were no longer able to make themselves a priority or achieve their body goals. 

 I refused to believe this and it motivated me to become a fitness instructor and personal trainer.  I wanted to show women the importance of making more time for their happiness by looking after themselves despite family and work commitments.

Exercise has allowed me to grow to be content with who I am.

Establishing Kel's Crew Fitness & Health

After establishing Kel’s Crew Fitness and Health in 2015, I am now passionate about making people of all ages, sizes, backgrounds and abilities feel good about themselves, inspire them, and truly show them that anything is possible.  It is never too late to achieve dreams, and no goal is too big.   

My focus is to create an atmosphere where people feel like they are accepted, supported and worthy.  I have worked hard on establishing a crew who encourage and lift each other up. 

My classes especially have become so much more than exercise to so many of my participants by changing their lives physically, mentally and emotionally.  The group fitness classes have also led to further advice and motivation from me in good health and fitness, including training programs and personal training sessions and packages. 

My Journey


Group Fitness:

Health Qualifications:

2021 Titles:

Amateur Titles:

Professional Titles:

My journey to compete in Mexico.

Read about my journey to compete in Mexico and how it was made possible thanks to the support of her Zumba girls and the Singleton community.